Corporate governance & compliance
Responsible corporate governance & compliance

Responsible corporate governance & compliance

For us, responsible corporate governance means ensuring our company’s future viability and strong reputation and integrating the expectations of our stakeholders into our business activities.

Because we are aware of the potential impact of our business activities on people and the environment, we seek to integrate the principle of sustainable development in all our activities. Our sustainability management focuses on HSSE, compliance and reputational factors. 

Our sustainability strategy

Our sustainability strategy
Our sustainability strategy

We deliver on our claim of harmonizing our socio-ecological responsibility with our business interests in our six action areas. 

To anchor these key strategic issues in our global activities we use various instruments and measures. To firmly establish responsibility for environmental and social issues at the highest level, the relevant principles are reflected in our HSSE Policy and in our Code of Conduct; both documents are binding for all employees. Because sustainability for us is about ensuring our future viability, it will be integrated even more closely into our investment decisions as well as our daily workflows and processes.

In our Sustainability Report we provide an annual transparent overview of our key developments and figures in the area of sustainability.




Our good reputation and its protection are very important for us. To safeguard it and ensure correct, law-compliant behavior, we have developed various guidelines and procedures.

Important guidelines and instruments are amongst others our Code of Conduct and the Group-wide whistleblowing system for suspected misconduct. The tasks of Compliance include identifying compliance risks, developing appropriate compliance programs, and implementing them through practical measures such as training. The focus is on prevention of corruption and bribery, competition law and sanction-related topics.

Code of Conduct

The 16 principles of our Code of Conduct serve to create a uniform value horizon and to provide guidance for individual behavior in the context of our corporate philosophy and values. We expect our employees, subcontractors, business partners and suppliers to comply with this Code. Since 2020, we have had our Code of Conduct recognized by all strategically important new business partners.


Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

We see the German law on supply chain due diligence, which came into force in 2024, not only as a binding legal obligation, but also as an obvious minimum standard in terms of our responsibility towards employees, customers and suppliers. A comprehensive insight into our principles and standards is available in our Declaration of Principles.

Declaration of Principles 

Reporting misconduct

Alongside the usual reporting channels, the online platform CARE (“Concerns And REporting”) serves as our Group-wide whistleblowing system and offers employees and business partners a safe and uncomplicated way to report suspected misconduct. At for example erroneous, fraudulent or even corrupt behavior, as well as serious environmental damages and occupational safety concerns can be reported anonymously and externally, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, in the respective national language.

We do not tolerate harassment or behavior that is humiliating, intimidating or hostile. This includes zero tolerance for sexual harassment. We therefore promote a “speak up culture” where any concerns can be raised without fear of retaliation. The online platform CARE can also be used for this purpose.

CARE platform